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TOP SECRET : U.S. Special Operations Command Joint Civil Information Management Handbook and Manual

1. Joint-CIM Tactical Handbook
2. Joint-CIM User’s Manual


1.1 Handbook Purpose

The Joint Civil Information Management Tactical Handbook is designed to provide joint procedures and standardized formats for the collection and reporting of civil data to support the Joint Force Commander planning and execution of operations. The publication consolidates the Services’ best tactics, techniques and procedures.

1.2 Handbook Scope

The Joint Civil Information Management Tactical Handbook is applicable to all of the civil functional areas and sectors that comprise the civil operating environment across the full range of military operations.

The handbook is non-system specific. The manual procedures and forms contained here-in are to be treated as a base-line standard. Organizations equipped with any of the several available automated collection systems may need to apply additional techniques to account for the capability of their system.

1.3 Handbook Audience

The Joint Civil Information Management Tactical Handbook is intended for use by any organization with the responsibility to collect and report civil data in support of joint force planning and execution. Users include, but are not limited to tactical collectors, such as civil affairs teams, maritime civil affairs teams, civil liaison teams, provincial reconstruction teams, human terrain teams, engineers, military information support operations (MISO), maneuver forces, special operations forces, US interagency, and partner nations.

1.4 Joint-Civil Information Management (CIM) Process

The joint-CIM process standardizes actions that collectors already execute to manage civil information. Standardization enables collectors to train to the same standard and provides leaders the ability to prioritize efforts and manage expectations among stakeholders resulting in a clear vision of the civil environment for the commander.

Joint-CIM is the process whereby civil information is collected, consolidated in a central information system, and shared with the supported elements, higher headquarters, other US Government and Department of Defense (DOD) Agencies, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations (NGO).

Joint-CIM is a six-step process:

Planning – The process begins with planning. Planning develops plans to collect, consolidate and share. The plan to collect considers what data and information are necessary. The plan to consolidate informs how the collected data will be organized. The plan to share identifies what to share, and with whom.

Collection – This is a tested procedure that provides civil data to support the joint force commander’s civil information requirements.

Consolidation – This is a tested procedure for collating and processing data to produce civil information to support planning, analysis and sharing.

Analysis – This activity is situational assessment, sensemaking and projection. It supports the development of products requested by the joint force command.

Production – This activity organizes, based on requirements, analyzed civil information, event logs, status trackers, etc. into products that satisfy requirements.

Sharing – This is a tested procedure that supports the external and internal exchange of information to increase joint force commander and stakeholder situational awareness and situational understanding.

The joint civil information management process is executed at all echelons of war (tactical through strategic). Each step of the process is emphasized differently by echelon and organization. At the tactical level, efforts are focused on collection and sharing with consolidation and analysis being a secondary effort. While tactical collectors do perform all six of the JCIM Process Steps, the Tactical Handbook was written to specifically address collecting and sharing of civil data.

1.5 Collecting Civil Data

Complete, accurate, and timely collection of operationally relevant civil data is necessary for a reliable representation of the civil components of the operating environment. The ability to visualize and understand the civil components of the operating environment is a critical component of the commander’s military decision making process.

The joint force collects relevant civil data in three ways:

Information Search: Collecting data and information from the internet, printed media, or other civilian or military sources. This collection type is viewed as indirect collection. Information search might use data mining.

Civil Reconnaissance: Planned collection of focused and coordinated information by direct observation and evaluation of the operating environment.

Civil Engagements: Activity to engage one or more individuals in dialogue or cultural exchange. It is a participatory interaction, such as key leader engagement (KLE), mass engagement, and surveys between the collecting unit and the indigenous populations and institutions (IPI) in the operating environment.

TOP SECRET : Cryptome unveils WikiLeaks-Wau Holland Tax-Exemption Revoked

German original:

English translation:

ON OUR OWN – November 5, 2012

Public benefit of

Wau Holland Foundation

History of withdrawal

End of 2010, the Wau Holland Foundation (WHS) was intervention by the Hessian Ministry of Interior ( [1] , [2] , [3] , [4] ,) the exempt status by the then competent tax office Kassel denied [5] . This decision was taken so that the foundation had with the fundraising and the associated project financing WikiLeaks violated the “principle of selflessness.”

Under the principle of selflessness (§ 55 AO), a foundation may not primarily pursue economic purposes, eg commercial purposes or other commercial purposes, but can only use the money to further their own goals. The withdrawal of exempt status by the IRS is already difficult to understand why, for two reasons: First, lay the tax office has not received accounting records from the year 2010 which would justify such a decision. Second, the regional council has Kassel as supervisory authority early December in a press release made it clear that the promotion of WikiLeaks very well according to the statutes of the Foundation to purchase.

Perhaps this is why the reasoning by the tax office in Hamburg, after the relocation of the Foundation inherited the controversial procedure was changed, and as a “violation of the principle of immediacy” (§ 57 AO) pursued.

During the test

The WHS commissioned a specialized foundation and tax law firm to represent their interests and put an objection against the decision [6] . In subsequent proceedings, there was a test of whether the Foundation had in 2010 met the “requirement of immediacy” and the statutes according to the donations it was no longer in dispute.

The “principle of immediacy,” requires that a nonprofit organization can indeed engage helpers to achieve their goals, it must be a traceable control procedures are set binding.

End of 2009 / early 2010 the WHS had met with the “WikiLeaks” only oral agreements, until the end of 2010, these arrangements were also fixed in a written contract with a project manager, in addition to the objectives and responsibilities and control processes are defined. Although the guidelines were already out of the contract throughout 2010, lived by all parties accordingly, did the tax office does not recognize that the immediacy was preserved and declined after 18 months of testing our appeal against the decision from [7] .

To the process after all this time to finally bring to a conclusion, the WHS agreed with the tax office to Hamburg to complain against a rejection of the opposition does not [8] and to obtain the profit for 2011 and subsequent years back.

Of present state

We have learned through this process, what contractual conditions, we need to encourage charitable can. All donors from 2010, we unfortunately have to say that these donations are not tax deductible. Nevertheless, these donations were used for the purposes of the donor.

When we are presented by the tax office promised exemption notification has been received, we can exhibit for the years 2011 and 2012 donation receipts upon request. For donations to 200, – Euro for the donor, the payment document is sufficient, together with the notice of exemption, which can then be downloaded from

The projects that promote Wau Holland Foundation, also here to inform.

We appreciate every donation, here you can see the form in which you can donate. For donations, large donations and inheritance rules please contact us at the contact form available.

Explanatory documents

[1] Emails between the Interior and Regional Council

[2]Innenminster of foundation supervision (2010-12-10)

[3] Foundation supervision of Interior Minister (2010-12-16)

[4] Interior Minister of Supervision of the Foundation (2011-01-05)

[5] Revocation of exempt status by the FA Kassel (2011-01-07)

[6] Objection to the tax office decision (2011-01-11)

[7] Objection decision of the Tax Office Hamburg-Nord (2012-10-25)

[8] Action waiver of WHS (2012-10-29)


Action waiver of WHS (2012-10-29).pdf

Emails between the Interior and Regional Council.pdf

Foundation supervision of Interior Minister (2010-12-16).pdf

Innenminster of foundation supervision (2010-12-10).pdf

Interior Minister of Supervision of the Foundation (2011-01-05).pdf

Objection decision of the Tax Office Hamburg-Nord (2012-10-25).pdf

Objection to the tax office decision (2011-01-11).pdf

Revocation of exempt status by the FA Kassel (2011-01-07).pdf

TOP SECRET : JIEDDO Global IED Monthly Summary Report

JIEDDO Global IED Monthly Summary Report.pdf

TOP SECRET : U.S. Army Chaplains in Current Operations Leader’s Guide

U.S. Army Chaplains in Current Operations Leader’s Guide.pdf

TOP SECRET : NATO Allied Command Operations Public Affairs Directive

NATO Allied Command Operations Public Affairs Directive.pdf

TOP SECRET : ISAF Media Spokesperson Training Presentation

ISAF Media Spokesperson Training Presentation.pdf

TOP SECRET : DHS-FBI Bulletin: Indicators of Suspicious Behaviors at Hotels

DHS-FBI Bulletin …. Indicators of Suspicious Behaviors at Hotels.pdf

TOP SECRET : DHS-FBI Suspicious Activity Reporting Bulletin: Misrepresentation

DHS-FBI Suspicious Activity Reporting Bulletin … Misrepresentation.pdf

TOP SECRET : U.S. Special Operations Command Terms of Reference

U.S. Special Operations Command Terms of Reference.pdf


US National Spy Budget FY2013 … $52.6 Billion.pdf


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